Peeter Joot's (OLD) Blog.

Math, physics, perl, and programming obscurity.

Magnetic monopole discovery at the local dollar store was a fraud.

Posted by peeterjoot on February 20, 2011

The dollar store has available little plaster moulding kits for the kids to make little dinosaurs.  According to the instructions, these are supposed to have included one sided magnets.  Sadly, they are perfectly regular two sided magnets, and the search for Dirac’s monopoles must still continue



“Remember that the magnets only work on one side so before placing into the mixture make sure that the magnetic side is facing upwards.”

2 Responses to “Magnetic monopole discovery at the local dollar store was a fraud.”

  1. tomaven said

    Peeter: you can get rare earth magnets at Above All Electronic Surplus 602 Bloor St W (2 blocks west of Bathurst) for cheap!

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